Thursday, May 6, 2010

May is like December...witout the gifts!

Wrapping up the school year, end of the year parties, end of the year recitals, music, dance, softball, art shows, zoom zoom!!

So busy living it, no time to write about it!!

Life's energy is the flowing water over the creative water wheel in me.  I envision my little mill with creeping Ivy, built of stone with a thatch roof.  On the side is the wooden wheel, turning at a steady pace, rotating the beam that grinds the wheat.  There are days and weeks in winter when the pace is moderate and there are days in the summer when there is just a trickle.  But then in December and May, the water is rushing and gushing, the wheel is just rollin'!! I have a ton of wheat at the moment and it is still pouring in!!

I am teaching 7th grade Social Studies and Language Arts.  I have only subbed at this school a few times.  A fight broke out by 8:30 in my classroom.  The principal came.   Those students were removed.  I tried to move on with the lesson.  It didn't work.  The class took over imitating how I acted when the fight broke out.  They were dead on, had me down perfectly.  I was humiliated and so I walked into the next classroom and told that teacher to call the principal.  Order was restored and I again took over teaching and the class ended smoothly.  Whew, I am worn out and it is only 10:45!!  I have a break right now and you would think the office or someone would come to check on me, find out my side of the story.  But no...once again I am not the center of the universe.

The office did just call.  My heart leaped at the thought they were calling to check on me.  No, they want me to cover another class during my break... and I am off...

Got a birthday coming did I get 49 years old so fast!!

Wrap your arms around yourself and feel a big hug from me.

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